Publisher's Synopsis
Married to the Counterfeit is dealing with a man or woman that at first sight everything is so great and beautiful, there are warning signs that were present in the beginning but love blinded you by the red flags.
Most times when we start to see these signs, it's too late. The signs are far and wide, but the most common one is control. Once you are under the grip of this powerful condition, you seem hopeless, depressed, scared, you have no one to turn to.
They will call you multiple times asking where you are, they control what you eat, they will hit you, they will call you names that make you feel like you are the name you are being called. But there is hope!
Start making a plan of escape! Unnoticed! You are an overcomer and you will make it out. I myself made it out when I thought I was going to die in it, but I serve a God that helped by praying and having a support system to help.