Publisher's Synopsis
CBD ?t?nd? f?r C?nn?b?d??l and ?t'? h?rv??t?d fr?m th? ??nn?b?? ?l?nt. H?w?v?r, unl?k? tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD h?? n? ????h???t?v? ?r???rt???. Th?? ?? b???u?? of th? w?? CBD ?? ?tru?tur?d. Th?t ?tru?tur? ?ff??t? CBD'? impact ?n the brain, nervous ???t?m ?nd thr?ugh?ut the body. Th? ????h???t?v? effect th?t ??m?? w?th THC ??m?? fr?m th? w?? ?t binds w?th r????t?r? ?n the br??n. Th??? ?r? kn?wn ?? ?nd???nn?b?n??d?. CBD ?l?? interacts with these receptors. Endocannabinoids ?r? f?und thr?ugh?ut th? b?d?. Th? h?gh??t concentration is ?n th? brain, ???n?l ??lumn and n?rv?u? ???t?m. It's ?n these organs ?nd ???t?m?, therefore, th?t CBD h?? the gr??t??t ??t?nt??l for ?m???t. Dogs ?r? ??m?t?m?? referred t? as "man's b??t fr??nd" because th?? are k??t ?? d?m??t?? ??t? ?nd ?r? u?u?ll? l???l ?nd like b??ng ?r?und hum?n?. Dogs like to b? ??tt?d, but only when th?? ??n f?r?t ??? the ??tt?r'? h?nd b?f?r? petting; ?n? should n?v?r pet a d?g fr?m b?h?nd. Seizures in dogs ??n m?n?f??t ?? anything fr?m a tw?t?h to uncontrollable ?h?k?ng. Th?? might be ?v?r quickly, or th?? m?ght l??t f?r ??v?r?l minutes.