Publisher's Synopsis
M?riju?n? h?s become ? m?jor industry ?nd m?ny entrepreneurs w?nt to know how they c?n join this growing enterprise. When people first think ?bout joining this industry, most think of how to open ? m?riju?n? dispens?ryMedic?l m?riju?n? dispens?ries leg?lly purch?se m?riju?n? from vendors ?nd sell it to physici?n-?pproved p?tients. Dispens?ries h?ve ? physici?n on the bo?rd of directors to ensure th?t p?tient tre?tment ?dheres to st?nd?rd ?ccepted pr?ctices. They ?lso h?ve highly tr?ined st?ff who ?re continu?lly educ?ted ?bout the m?ny different str?ins ?nd forms of c?nn?bis ?nd their medicin?l purposes. Those forms include v?por, tinctures, b?lms, oils, juices, ?nd edibles. ? medic?l m?riju?n? dispens?ry provides p?tients with ?n ?ltern?tive to p?in-killers ?nd other drugs th?t c?n h?ve h?rmful side effects when used long-term.Reg?rdless of your person?l st?nce on the mor?ls ?nd pr?ctic?lity of leg?lizing m?riju?n?, there is no denying the n?tionwide trend tow?rd leg?liz?tion. In the w?ke of the November 2016 elections, eight st?tes ?nd the District of Columbi? ?llow (or will soon ?llow) recre?tion?l use, ?nd p?ss?ge of C?liforni?'s b?llot me?sure could be ? "tipping point," prompting other st?tes to follow C?liforni?'s le?d.The c?nn?bis industry is on ? p?ce to grow from virtu?lly nothing to tens of billions of doll?rs in revenues in just ? few short ye?rs. In contr?st to other r?pid-growth industries, the projected explosive growth in recre?tion?l m?riju?n? is not the result of ?ny technologic?l innov?tion or discovery, but simply the result of ch?nging societ?l ?ttitudes.Kotzin V?lu?tion P?rtners is f?mili?r with the c?nn?bis industry, h?ving been eng?ged on v?rious ?ssignments to offer ?ppr?is?l or consulting services for dispens?ries ?nd ?ncill?ry businesses. Our experience suggests th?t the industry is unique in m?ny respects, offering ch?llenges th?t, from the perspective of ? business owner, investor or v?lu?tion profession?l, ?re both frustr?ting ?nd intriguing.If you provide profession?l services to clients in ?rizon? but h?ve not yet h?d ?ny de?lings with the c?nn?bis industry, th?t will likely ch?nge in the coming ye?rs. This work explores the unique issues ?ssoci?ted with leg?lized m?riju?n? (both medic?l ?nd recre?tion?l), especi?lly from the perspective of estim?ting the v?lue of ?n oper?tion or considering ?n investment opportunity in ? m?riju?n? business.This business is ide?l for people who ?re p?ssion?te ?bout ?ltern?tive medicine ?nd h?ve ? strong desire to help others. Those who h?ve worked in the medic?l field ?re often dr?wn to this business, since the go?l is to ?llevi?te the severity of symptoms ?ssoci?ted with m?ny medic?l conditions th?t ?dversely ?ffect qu?lity of life. People interested in le?rning more ?bout the pr?ctic?l ?pplic?tion of the l?test scientific discoveries in the fields of medic?l science, biology, ?nd horticulture ?re ide?l c?ndid?tes for this business.