I Saw Heaven

I Saw Heaven Roberts Liardon recounts his miraculous visitation of heaven

eBook (01 Nov 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Join Roberts Liardon as he recounts his miraculous visitation of heaven. As a young boy Roberts met Jesus at one of the gates of the city. He walked on golden pavements and He saw the beauty of God's creation untouched by sin. "Then I Saw Jesus! I turned around to see who had spoken to me and there stood Jesus Christ in all His glory! It is a different thing to see Jesus with all of His glory! He said 'I love my people so much that I would go back to earth, die and go to hell for just one person if I had not paid the price for them and if i thought they wanted to come to heaven.'" "The Angels I saw in Heaven were tall and strong; they appeared to be 6 to 8 feet tall. They are fully dressed according to the level of their job. Some have wings and some do not." The River of Life is quite different from anything on earth .... it is like a mountain stream that is crystal clear with no bottom. When you walk into it, it purifies you ... it gives you life from its source, which is the Throne Room of God."

Book information

ISBN: 9780948985096
Publisher: Faith Builders
Imprint: Faith Builders
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g