
Bulimia A Guide to Recovery

25th anniversary Edition

Paperback (16 Dec 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This intimate self-help guidebook offers a complete understanding of bulimia and a plan for recovery. It includes a two-week program to stop bingeing, ideas for things to do instead of bingeing, a guide for support groups, specific advice for loved ones, and "Eat Without Fear," Lindsey Hall's story of her self-cure, which has inspired thousands of other bulimics. This 25th anniversary edition updates all information from previous editions, with additional material on assessment, new diagnostic categories, men and bulimia, evidence-based treatment, family-assisted recovery, the influence of media (including the Internet), the essentials of "long-term recovery," and much more. Drawing on its established track record of success, Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery includes input from 400 recovered bulimics and is packed with valuable tips for therapists, educators, bulimics, and their loved ones.

Book information

ISBN: 9780936077512
Publisher: Turner Publishing Company
Imprint: Gurze Books
Pub date:
Edition: 25th anniversary Edition
DEWEY: 616.85263
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 276
Weight: 396g
Height: 140mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 18mm