Competing for the Future

Competing for the Future

Paperback (01 Apr 1996)

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Publisher's Synopsis

New competitive realities have ruptured industry boundaries, overthrown much of standard management practice, and rendered conventional models of strategy and growth obsolete. In their stead have come the powerful ideas and methodologies of Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad, whose much-revered thinking has already engendered a new language of strategy. In this book, they develop a coherent model for how today's executives can identify and accomplish no less than heroic goals in tomorrow's marketplace. Their masterful blueprint addresses how executives can ease the tension between competing today and clearing a path toward leadership in the future.

About the Publisher

Harvard Business Review Press

Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) was founded in 1994 as a not-for-profit, wholly-owned subsidiary of Harvard University, reporting into Harvard Business School. Our mission is to improve the practice of management in a changing world. This mission influences how we approach what we do here and what we believe is important.

Book information

ISBN: 9780875847160
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Imprint: Harvard Business Review Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 658.4012
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 357
Weight: 492g
Height: 201mm
Width: 136mm
Spine width: 21mm