Publisher's Synopsis
This documented briefing contains initial findings resulting from the Phase I study on improving support to the Commander-in-Chief (CINC) Theater Engagement Plans (TEPs). The purpose of the study is twofold: (1) help the Director for Strategic Plans and Policy (J-5) and the Director for Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment (J-8) develop a framework for assessing global engagement and its associated resource demands, which would raise awareness of engagement resource shortfalls and resource priorities, and (2) improve the potential for engagement resource support to the CINCs. The briefing concludes that although the TEP provides a useful planning mechanism for the complex activities associated with the engagement mission, it must be more closely linked to Department of Defense formal decisionmaking processes - the Joint Strategic Planning System and the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System - to ensure that engagement activities are considered for resources within the broad context of Department of Defense planning and programming. The briefing provides an approach for further examination of the engagement mission.;Phase II of the study will flesh out this initial concept and obtain additional insights on the engagement mission in order to develop greater connectivity with Department of Defense decisionmaking and resource allocation processes.