Publisher's Synopsis
Sobre qu vas a edificar tu vida? Este libro muestra a un joven que alcanz el xito con rapidez en el mundo cristiano evanglico antes de darse cuenta de que su espiritualidad careca de base: se apoyaba ms en la tradicin y la moralidad que en un bien fundado conocimiento de Dios. Para el indiferente o insensible de espritu, las reflexiones humorsticas y cautivantes de Harris sobre las creencias cristianas muestran que la ortodoxia no es solo para los eruditos, sino para cualquiera que anhela conocer un Jesucristo vivo. // As Harris challenges you to root your faith and feelings about God in the person, work, and words of Jesus, he answers questions such as: What is God like and how does he speak to me? What difference does it make that Jesus was both human and divine? How does Jesus's death on the cross pay for my sins? Who is the Holy Spirit and how does he work in my life? With grace and wisdom, Harris will inspire you to revel in the truth that has captured his own mind and heart.