'Now Then Lad . . . '

'Now Then Lad . . . ' Tales of a Country Bobby

Large print Edition

Hardback (01 Apr 2009)

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Paperback (29 May 2008) RRP $13.64 $12.10

Publisher's Synopsis

A true-life Heartbeat for the twenty-first century. Mike Pannett has just taken up a new posting as a local bobby in rural North Yorkshire. It's quite a change from the Met, where he dealt with riots and drug gangs, and found out what it was like to stare down the wrong end of a sawn-off shotgun. Now he's chasing runaway bullocks, holding up the Last Night of the Proms traffic to escort a lost mole across the road and combing the countryside for the villains who stole the Colonel's balls... His escapades are interwoven month by month with his growing knowledge of a landscape that changes with the seasons.

Book information

ISBN: 9780750529662
Publisher: Library Magna Books
Imprint: Magna
Pub date:
Edition: Large print Edition
DEWEY: 363.2094284
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 365
Weight: -1g
Height: 220mm
Width: 140mm