
Myth Myths and Legends of the World Explored

Paperback (12 Feb 1998)

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Publisher's Synopsis

More than 2500 detailed entries provide a comprehensive insight into mythology, one of the most influential strands of social and literary history. Drawn from every continent, from the Americas and the Middle East to Europe and Asia, the origins and historical significance of central figures and legends are examined, and recurring motifs traced throughout the ages and around the world.;Thoughout history and across the world, human beings have used myths to articulate their feelings about the gods, the birth of the universe, good and evil, sex, the nature of society, death and the afterlife. Myths bind together the societies that create them and offer a window into mankind's creative, poetic and philosophical imagination.

Book information

ISBN: 9780747530190
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Imprint: Bloomsbury Yearbooks
Pub date:
DEWEY: 398.203
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 768
Weight: 829g
Height: 234mm
Width: 155mm