Proyectos Para El Exterior 1 2 3

Proyectos Para El Exterior 1 2 3 Patios, Terrazas, Senderos, Munros, Cercas, Cobertizos, Jardineras, Pergolas, Muebles

Hardback (01 Jun 1999)

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Publisher's Synopsis

More than 150 outdoor projects to improve one's yard are included in a do-it-yourself manual by the experts of Home Depot that includes a look at common mistakes, potentially dangerous situations, the skills and tools necessary, and design tricks for building patios, decks, walks, walls, fences, sheds, arbors, and garden furniture. (House & Home).

Book information

ISBN: 9780696208843
Publisher: Home Depot,.
Imprint: Home Depot,.
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 480
Weight: 1655g
Height: 285mm
Width: 215mm
Spine width: 25mm