How Many Friends Does One Person Need?

How Many Friends Does One Person Need? Dunbar's Number and Other Evolutionary Quirks

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Publisher's Synopsis

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Harvard University Press

Founded in 1913, Harvard University Press is the publisher of such classic works as John Rawls's A Theory of Justice, E. O. Wilson's On Human Nature, and Helen Vendler's Dickinson. The Press continues to be a leading publisher of convergent works in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences, while also taking bold steps in exciting new directions, from innovative partnerships, to a diverse translation program, to an expanded commitment to facilitating scholarly conversation around the globe.

Book information

ISBN: 9780674059320
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Imprint: Harvard University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 599.938
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 302
Weight: -1g