Publisher's Synopsis
The book centers on recurring themes of old and new philosophies to offer an unusual theory of the Creator, the Creation, our purpose within the Creation, and the workings of spiritual evolution. It is a concise and brief presentation which takes the reader into the abyss of the mysterious and paradoxical on a travel through the shadowy byways of mystery for answers to questions such as: who am I, what am I, why am I, what am I doing here, what is the purpose of life, what is the Creation, my role in it, how does it work, why do I do what I do. The book is a distillation of studies, observations, and contemplations undertaken since 1948 when the author began to experience unusual events which caused him to want to understand what is really going on, what life is really all about. It examines the Creation scientifically and philosophically, explores what living was like during the early foundations of the Creation compared to now, discusses what life is probably like in the dimensions beyond the one we currently experience, refers the reader to a source revealing what it takes to "graduate" into the next higher one, what came before this one, posits how spiritual progression (evolution) works in everyday life, what goes on between lifetimes, why we don't remember (amnesia) our past, Earth's distant past, suggests a "normal" pattern of spiritual evolution and proposes why it went awry here - and contains exercises designed to assist in everyday life. Comments from a few readers: "It is fascinating to consider the All-Knowing must know not-knowing, and that we are the expression of that necessity." "I have read your work from front to back three times now . . . I expect to read it some more, and I expect to have different opinions as I am continually changing and available to insight." "In Dan's intriguing theory of spiritual evolution, he presents a compelling case for how this may be. Even if you don't agree with all or even any of it, you will come away with a new view about the nature of our existence on which to ponder. Well worth the read." "I must say this was indeed an interesting read . . . it certainly is not for the faint of heart with regard to the depth of awareness of our creation, our Creator, and life's power itself." "Drawing upon the wisdom from numerous philosophies, Mr. Barber has put forth an enlightening and elegant answer to the fundamental question of our existence. Regardless of your religious and philosophical background, I guarantee you will find it thought-provoking. Well worth the read."