To The End: Marked Series

To The End: Marked Series Book One

eBook (04 Oct 2020)

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Hardback (04 Oct 2020) $22.91

Publisher's Synopsis

Tamynaen Jacob is no ordinary half elf, even by Astyerian's standards. Born in the Dead Lands of the largest port city in Astendre, TJ has been left with the task of raising himself and his little sister's - which isn't easy with the challenging caste system, addict mother, and his own inner demons running rampant in his life. That's all before the night he dies and his disbelief in the gods is altered forever.What TJ doesn't know is the Gods have been playing a game since before his world was created. As one round ends, another begins and TJ is the prize. The only question is how long can the winner hold him?

Book information

ISBN: 9780578779430
Imprint: Distributed By Ingram Spark
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 268
Weight: -1g