Her Christmas Protector

Her Christmas Protector

Paperback (03 Nov 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A Sinister Silent Night

Two female ministers have been shot in the heart of Silver Valley, Pennsylvania. Now Zora Krasny, navy veteran turned undercover operative, is posing as a new preacher. That means her life's on the line, yet it's the only way to smoke out a psychopath. But she's not alone. She's got the best of the Silver Valley P.D. at her sideDetective Bryce Campbell, the high school boyfriend Zora left behind when she joined the navy. Bryce must pose as her fiance, so he can stay close and protect Zora. It's a role they're both finding way too easy to play. But with the killer's imminent Christmas countdown, Zora and Bryce can't afford any distractions."

Book information

ISBN: 9780373279432
Publisher: Harlequin
Imprint: Harlequin
Pub date:
Weight: -1g