Speech of His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir Bartle Frere, Bart;, Etc;, Etc;, Etc;, Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, and H. M. High Commissioner for South Africa; And of Others

Speech of His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir Bartle Frere, Bart;, Etc;, Etc;, Etc;, Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, and H. M. High Commissioner for South Africa; And of Others Delivered on the Occasion of the Banquet Given to His Excellency Upon H

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Publisher's Synopsis

Book information

ISBN: 9780267537112
Publisher: Fb&c Ltd
Imprint: Forgotten Books
Pub date:
Number of pages: 34
Weight: 204g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 6mm