A Letter to Dabjebrosato: Are You an 'Intelligent Animal' or a 'Created Human Being'? Find the Answer to This Question and You Will Find Love, Peace and Security

A Letter to Dabjebrosato: Are You an 'Intelligent Animal' or a 'Created Human Being'? Find the Answer to This Question and You Will Find Love, Peace and Security

Paperback (07 Apr 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Join a grandfather with his grandchildren as they research an extremely important question that applies to everyone in the world. Are you an 'intelligent animal' or a 'created human being'?

First they look at the Theory of Evolution, the Big Bang Theory and the Primordial Soup Theory, asking the questions: Is it mathematically possible? Does it pass the irreducible complexity test? And could the 'spark of life' have happened spontaneously? The group concluded that Mr. Charles Darwin made A BIG MISTAKE!

Having looked at the Theory of Evolution, the group then turned their attention to the possibility of there being an omnipotent creator God involved in the establishment of it all, again applying the questions above. This time they got a positive answer and researched further to find out what it all means. It is a very detailed and exciting discussion, allowing you the reader to be part of looking at the questions that affect us all.

Are we intelligent animals or created human beings?

Book information

ISBN: 9780228851585
Publisher: Tellwell Talent
Imprint: Tellwell Talent
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 74
Weight: 109g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 5mm