Publisher's Synopsis
For courses in Introductory Statistics. An approach that helps you put statistical concepts together—from the author's classroom Mike Sullivan draws on his passion for both statistics and teaching to help students grasp that statistics is connected, not only in concepts, but to the world at large. Used first with Sullivan's own students, Fundamentals of Statistics (the brief version of Sullivan's Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data) pulls ideas and strategies from his classroom into a wealth of new and updated exercises, examples, and MyLab¬ problems, new videos, and much more. By using the latest statistical software, students can focus on building true understanding rather than memorizing formulas. All resources, including the Student Activity Workbook and Author in the Classroom videos, were created by Mike for his classroom and are available to help all students succeed and stay engaged. Personalize learning with MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText This flexible digital platform combines unrivaled content, online assessments, and customizable features to personalize learning and improve results. Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook available within MyLab that lets you read, highlight, and take notes all in one place.