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Microsoft Excel for Microeconomics

Microsoft Excel for Microeconomics

Paperback (22 Apr 2003)

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Publisher's Synopsis

For courses in Principles of Microeconomics and Intermediate Microeconomics.

This text introduces students to the fundamental tools and techniques available in Microsoft ExcelT spreadsheet software. It presents applications that pertain to specific microeconomic topics-enabling students to enhance their microeconomic analysis skills, while becoming proficient at Excel software. Students will learn through experience by following directions and creating example worksheets within each chapter. This book contains over 60 assignments pertaining to topics such as supply and demand, elasticity, market efficiency, public policy, and international trade.

Book information

ISBN: 9780131421240
Publisher: Pearson Education
Imprint: Pearson
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 363g
Height: 280mm
Width: 215mm
Spine width: 7mm