A Division of the Spoils - The Raj Quartet

Paperback (07 Apr 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis


The British Raj in India is in its final days. But the fall of the Empire is both the end of one era and the beginning of another. For the Hindus and Muslims, the political reality signals inevitable post-war recriminations and future territorial wrangles. For Guy Perron, Field Sergeant and historian, these last days are a time to reflect on the legacy the British has left behind in India. And for the British families still residing in India, decisions about their future must be made and final goodbyes must be said, all against the backdrop of one of the most turbulent periods of social change the world has ever seen.

Book information

ISBN: 9780099478836
Publisher: Random House
Imprint: Arrow Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 659
Weight: 470g
Height: 197mm
Width: 132mm
Spine width: 40mm