Publisher's Synopsis
Pickles taste amazing! You can pickle pretty much any veggie, not just cucumbers: tomatillos, carrots, okra, beets, peppers, turnips, avocado. So grab some veggies, vinegar, a few spices and follow our tips for successful making homemade pickles! All are in this book now.
We never met a pickle we didn't like. But there's a lot more to sink your teeth into than just cucumbers-you can pickle anything from onions to carrots to Brussels sprouts. Ready to try it out at home?
We've put together delicious pickle recipes that range from sweet to savory!
Inside, you'll find some classics such as Bread and butter, spiced apples, or more fancy recipes such as Russian beet relish, and Watermelon rind pickles!
So, what are you waiting for? Let's get pickling!