Publisher's Synopsis
The main intention of this guide is to dispel the myth that the Paleo diet is complicated. So if
you've ever been curious about the Paleo diet, but were intimidated by the pushy enthusiasts,
loud naysayers, and confusing online back-and-forth, this guide is going to be perfect for you.
Learn exactly what you need to do to go 30 days completely Paleo. You'll burn fat, you'll get toned,
and you'll feel great. And it won't even feel like a diet.
The 30 Day Paleo Diet Challenge is broken down into four chapters:
1. Chapter One: figuring out your Paleo Diet journey - Do you want to lose weight? Are you
hoping to build muscle? Are you just looking to connect more with your food? This section
will help you answer the question of how the Paleo Diet can help you reach your goals
2. Chapter Two: creating your own diet template - generalized, formulaic diets are miserable
and ineffective. How are you supposed to follow a diet plan that wasn't written for you? In
order to avoid the problem of the one-size-fits-all diet plan, this section will help you
create your own 30 day diet template
3. Chapter Three: finding the recipes that are actually good! If you've ever thought that Paleo
was just meat and potatoes, a quick glimpse at this section will show you the tasty
diversity in a Paleo diet!
4. Chapter Four: Pulling inspiration from a possible template - The idea here is that you'll
walk away with your very own 30 day challenge, but it doesn't hurt to see an example.
This guide is clear, succinct, and packed with great information for starting out your 30 day
journey with the Paleo Diet. Here are some other things you can find in this guide:
Clear definition of what is Paleo and what isn't included in the diet
Multiple Paleo Diet options, including low-carb, high-protein, and low-fat
15 breakfast recipes
10 easy lunch recipes
15 tasty dinner recipes
10 great for on-the-go snack recipes
That's a total of 50 recipes
Breakdowns of the nutritional data including calories, carbs, fat and protein
Advice for how to organize the diet based on your unique lifestyle
A 30 day sample calendar that you can customize and make your own
There are a lot of misunderstandings about the Paleo Diet, which can make it difficult for
newcomers to feel confident in their diet plan. But with this easy-to-follow guide, you'll become
comfortable enough with the theory behind the Paleo Diet that you'll be able to create your very
own 30 day Paleo Diet Challenge.
By the time that you're done with your first 30 days, you'll be ready to live an overall healthier
lifestyle. And it's all because you are at the center of this guide. It's based on your tastes, your day-
to-day life, your challenges, and your goals.
This isn't just a cookie-cutter diet guide. It's an invitation to take control of your 30 Day Paleo Diet