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2021 Planner Happy + Healthy

2021 Planner Happy + Healthy

Hardback (04 Dec 2020)

  • $31.53
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Publisher's Synopsis

Welcome to your new best friend, the Happy + Healthy 2021 life planner. I created this planner as a tool to help you take control of your life, both in your daily tasks and your long term routines. Wellness-specific features like the daily workout planner, the monthly habit tracker and the weekly meal sections will help you build healthier habits & hit your 2021 goals. I firmly believe that just hoping for the life you want is not enough - it takes routines, healthy decisions, reminders and clear intentions to get you to the Happy + Healthy life you're craving. Let's do it together!

Book information

ISBN: 9781649430519
Publisher: Adult Coloring Books
Imprint: Bacchus Publishing House
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 166
Weight: 472g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 14mm