iPhone for Seniors in Easy Steps

iPhone for Seniors in Easy Steps - In Easy Steps

Ninth edition

Paperback (25 Nov 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Written with the Senior reader in mind and presented in larger type for easier reading, iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 9th edition will help you to quickly feel confident using your iPhone. It covers all models of iPhone using iOS 16 and will show you how to:

  • Make and receive calls and send messages.
  • Use FaceTime to make video calls, and to share music or videos on FaceTime calls.
  • Find apps to stay healthy, shop online, plan your vacation, get instant news, and keep on top of everyday tasks.
  • Make secure payments using your iPhone.
  • Explore the iTunes Music Library; share music, videos, apps, calendars and photos with children and grandchildren.
  • Master new iOS 16 features and customize your iPhone to suit your needs.
  • Written in larger type and using non-technical language, iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 9th edition will help you get more out of your iPhone - so you don't have to ask the kids!

    Book information

    ISBN: 9781840789829
    Publisher: In Easy Steps Limited
    Imprint: In Easy Steps
    Pub date:
    Edition: Ninth edition
    DEWEY: 004.1675
    DEWEY edition: 23
    Language: English
    Number of pages: 216
    Weight: 392g
    Height: 184mm
    Width: 225mm
    Spine width: 11mm