Publisher's Synopsis
With its modern chapter organization and new "Focus on Genomics" boxes, iGenetics: A Molecular Approach With MasteringGenetics, 3/e, reflects the increasing molecular emphasis in today's experimental study of genes while helping readers develop problem-solving skills and an appreciation for classic experiments. Pedagogical features such as chapter-opening "Key Questions" and strategically placed "Keynotes" help readers to efficiently master genetic concepts. The Genetics Place Companion Website contains interactive iActivities and narrated animations that help readers visualize and understand processes and concepts that are illustrated in the text. MasteringGenetics is an online learning and assessment system proven to help readerslearn problem-solving skills. It helps maximize class time with customizable, easy-to-assign, automatically graded assessments that motivate readers to learn outside of class and arrive prepared for lecture.
0321772881 / 9780321772886 iGenetics: A Molecular Approach with MasteringGenetics™
Package consists of:
0321569768 / 9780321569769 iGenetics: A Molecular Approach
0321772938 / 9780321772930 MasteringGenetics™ with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card -- for iGenetics: A Molecular Approach