Publisher's Synopsis
Set in Vienna in the early part of the twentieth century, Zipper and His Father is a compelling and wonderfully atmospheric portrayal of a childhood friend, Arnold Zipper, and his father, as seen through the eyes of a young boy. The Zipper family welcome the arrival of their son's friend and the boy is fascinated by their cosy suburban life. Zipper Senior, a violin-maker and travelling salesman, is determined that the boys will attain the success that was denied to him. However, as the two friends mature their lives take different paths - the army, university, early career choices and a disastrous marriage to an aspiring actress all take their toll - and each has a very different story to tell. From the outskirts of Vienna to the Hollywood Hills, Zipper and His Father charts the ambitions of a whole generation who, during period of erratic social change, found themselves dreaming of what might have been.