Publisher's Synopsis

This book is a tangible form of abstract and intangible human emotions woven into the threads of 13

poems. They are versatile in form but intend to convey the power of the brain, miseries of the heart, the acts of God, the lessons hard, the cry of hope and the visionary differences portrayed through

personification and metaphors. Poetry is the most powerful tool to express feelings and emotions including those beyond ecstasy, avalanches of pain and social agendas that need consideration. This

book is very close to my heart as it contains some of my writings from almost a decade ago. The title YOURS depicts the journey from you to yours and back forth. A lifetime is divided into being

'yours' (towards family, lover, kin, organisation, society etc) and at the same time to being 'YOU' yourself which is a unique creation of the Almighty sent for an even unique purpose. During this

journey, we come across a plethora of sentiments as we walk, we grow, we learn, we win, we lose, get loved and betrayed. I look forward to my readers relating to one poem or the other and enjoy the journey ahead.

Book information

ISBN: 9789354277320
Publisher: Repro India Limited
Imprint: Bluerosepublisher
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 77g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 4mm