YouTube Formula Secrets #1 Guide To Boost Sales, Grow Your Channel, Social Media Marketing And Algorithm Hacks

YouTube Formula Secrets #1 Guide To Boost Sales, Grow Your Channel, Social Media Marketing And Algorithm Hacks

Paperback (05 Sep 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

YouTube has grown into an influential social media platform. What started out as a fun medium of introducing the world to three-dimensional interaction has now turned into a powerful tool of marketing. Just like in every other social media channel, the secret to success is getting a following or audience to broadcast your videos to. The more views you get, the more popular your videos will be and the greater success you will have in ranking highly in the search results.

Nowadays, people do not just go on YouTube to watch some funny clips of people falling down, cute cats purring, or babies hilariously laughing. It has grown into an extensive platform for the distribution and exchange of valuable information-- from make-up tips, cooking to practically anything under the sun.

It offers a variety of channels and videos that provide entertainment, curiosity, amazement and learning.

YouTube is now known to be a great way to be famous and earn money just by making videos from the comfort of your bedroom. Some of today's well-known YouTube personalities became millionaires because of their being successful at establishing and building their channel and fan base, hope that by learning the strategies mentioned in this book, you be able to put them into practice and start working your way up to building your career and hopefully someday, you too could earn a lot of cold hard cash by becoming the next YouTube star! Good luck!

Book information

ISBN: 9798215706404
Publisher: Draft2digital
Imprint: Tony Walker
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 172g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 3mm