You Matter The Human Solution

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Publisher's Synopsis

We know science is awesome, as are its achievements. Yet so far scientists have managed to sidestep the most awesome reality of all, the true nature of human life, the source of their own genius. How is it that in the overwhelming immensity of the cosmos, on microscopic earth, human beings exist? We have not yet looked reality in the face and perceived the nobility and grandeur of who we are, each of us having a responsibility in the universe and being part of a vast and continuing process, which can only emerge from the shadows and darkest corners of our thought when we step aside away from all the noise. 'You Matter' encourages people to think more deeply about the phenomenon of existence, what it means to be a unique human person, and how in unity with one another we can build a future in these uncertain times.

Book information

ISBN: 9781912914357
Publisher: Mensch Publishing COMMIS
Imprint: Mensch Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 128
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 284g
Height: 137mm
Width: 204mm
Spine width: 22mm