Publisher's Synopsis
DISCLAIMER: All ?f ?ur books ?r? ?nt?nd?d ?? companions' t?, n?t replacement f?r, th? original t?tl??. C?t?Publ??h?r? is wholly responsible for all ?f th? content ?nd is not ???????t?d w?th the ?r?g?n?l authors' ?n ?n? w??.To get the original title, follow this link: ABOUT BOOK: Y?u Ar? a B?d??? ?? ??ur gu?d? to living l?f? t? the fullest. Sincero provides ?n analysis ?f exactly wh?t'? h?ld?ng ??u back ?nd ?r?v?d?? ??w?rful ?tr?t?g??? geared t?w?rd breaking b?d h?b?t? ?? that you can trul? l?v? ?ut your dreams. B???m? th? b?d??? you always wanted to b?. ABOUT TH? AUTH?R; Jen S?n??r? ?? a l?f? ????h ?nd b??t-??ll?ng author. In ?dd?t??n t? sharing her ?n??ght? on sex, r?l?t??n?h???, ??r??r? ?nd m?t?v?t??n ?? a public speaker, ?h? is ?l?? th? ?uth?r of Th? Str??ght Girl's Gu?d? to Sl????ng with Ch??k? ?nd Y?u Are a B?d??? at M?k?ng M?n??. INTRODUCTION: T?k? a m?nut? ?nd answer these ?u??t??n? Wh? ?r? you ?n ??ur ?urr?nt j?b? How did ??u choose your major ?n college? Wh? d?n't ??u spend ?ll your t?m? on your favorite h?bb???? T? th? first question, you ?r?b?bl? ?n?w?r?d, "Th? j?b ???? enough money." To the ????nd: "My parents t?ld me t? pursue a career ?n X." And t? the third: "Hobbies ?ll th? t?m?? That w?uld be selfish!" Th??? ?n?w?r? highlight wh?t'? wrong with many ?f ?ur ?h????? in life. W? d? what others t?ll u? t? do, ?r what w? think w? are "?u?????d" t? d?. What ??u w?nt, d??? d?wn, r?r?l? ?nt?r? ?nt? th? equation. Th?? h?? t? ?h?ng?. You n??d t? ?t?rt l?v?ng f?r ??ur??lf ?nd d??ng wh?t ??u l?v? doing! Wh?l? it m?ght ??und ?m?????bl? n?w, b? th? ?nd ?f these summary guide, you'll b? well ?n ??ur way to b??ng a b?d???.