Publisher's Synopsis
Emily Bronte was an English novelist & poet, who is best known for her only novel, "Wuthering Heights: Wuther-ing Heights is his farmhouse. Heathcliff is a young orphan, who was brought by Earnshaw at Wuthering Heights, 30 years ago. Earnshaw loves him (Heathcliff) so much, even neglects his own children. After death of Earnshaw, his elder son Hindley becomes the new master of Wuthering Heights and he allows Heathcliff to stay there only as a servant. Catherine is in love with Heathcliff, but doesn't show due to her social statue. The story thus seems very interesting and it ends with sights of the ghosts of Catherine and Heathcliff. It consists of many ups and downs Readers will Surely going to enjoy the novel. Its Heartthrobing and its very difficult to getup without reading the novel.
The Adventures of Tom SawyerMark Twain, the author was an American Writer & Humorist. His Original name is Samuel Longhorne Clemens. Mark Twain is the pen name. His notable works are The Adventures of Tom Sawyer & Adven-tures of Huckleberry Finn. In his credit, there are 28 books and numerous Sketches & Short stories. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer came out in 1869. It features one of the best-loved characters in American fiction. Mark Twains famous short stories are: The War Prayer, A Dogs Tale, Eves Diary, A Ghost Story, Luck, Advice to little Girls, Cannibalism in the Cars and lot many This novel is about a boy growing up along the Mississippi River. Tom Sawyer has several adventures, after with his friend Huckleberry Finn.