Publisher's Synopsis
Writing Picture Books Revised and Expanded Edition builds off its predecessor's reputation as the go-to resource for any writer just beginning to concept a picture book to writers who have published several books for children and are looking to take their work to another level. Intensely craft-heavy, this book covers topics such as, story frameworking, storytelling, creating characters, developing a three-act structure, determining page turns, using rhyming, and more. It also delves into what you need to do to sell your book--from making a dummy (something unique to picture book writers), researching the market, developing a platform, finding an agent, and more. This revised and expanded edition will delve into more craft topics, including new chapters on the importance of page turns and how word count has changed over the years, plus the ever-evolving marketplace of publishing and children's books.
New in This Edition
New in This Edition
- Updated examples from picture books throughout the book.
- Brand new quizzes and examples to help you clarify and hone your craft.
- Updated and expanded content throughout to reflect the changes in the picture book market.
- A new chapter with greater emphasis on finding an agent, working with an agent, submitting to small presses, and self-publishing.