Publisher's Synopsis
--INCLUDES COMPREHENSIVE PDF STUDY GUIDE, TEST AND TEACHER S GUIDE-- YOU BLEW IT! YOU HAVE NO CHANCE OF WINNING THE LOTTERY NOW. The odds of any Christian reading the back cover of a DVD on Sanctification are @ 14.7 trillionto one. Add that number to your odds of winning the lottery and it is obvious, you have no chance. The good news is, you are doing something extraordinary. And exemplary. You are striving tobe obedient to your Master. You are to be applauded. Sanctification is not a topic that lands a book on a best-seller list because most people believe that sanctification means more rules. While there are certainly rules for Christian living, theChristian life is not about rules. Christianity is not about works, Christianity is about grace. Christianity is not about effort, Christianity is about resting. Christianity is not about doing, Christianity is about done. With those truths firmly engrained, you are truly ready for sanctification. Subjects include: Pride & Humility Self-Esteem or Idolatry? Is Technology an Idol? A Judgmental Heart Once, again, congratulations and well done. You are unique in your desire to grow in holiness. Now dive in. And don t buy any lottery tickets."