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Wounds - Star Trek.

Short stories

Paperback (03 Nov 2008)

  • $27.81
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Publisher's Synopsis

WOUNDS is the eleventh compilation of stories from the original, bestselling e-book series Star Trek: Corps of Engineers, which chronicles the assemblage of Starfleet technical personnel, a group of specalists consisting of extraordinary humans and exotic aliens that can build, program and figure out everything from alien replicators to doomsday machines.

While the Dominion War has been over for a year, its legacy lives on. A mysterious murder on the Starship da Vinici leads to the Gamma Quadrant, and a pre-warp planet occupied by the Dominion still has scars from both sides of that conflict. Plus, Corsi, Soloman and Gomez are haunted by demons from their past. But the greatest threat of all comes from a visit to space station Deep Space 9, where a fissure has opened up between realities, endangering the very existence of the Bajoran system - and also stranding Doctors Lense and Bashir on a war-torn planet from which they may never escape...

Book information

ISBN: 9781416589099
Publisher: Pocket Books/Star Trek
Imprint: Pocket Books
Pub date:
Edition: Short stories
DEWEY: 813.087620806
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 517
Weight: 458g
Height: 217mm
Width: 137mm
Spine width: 37mm