Worldview 4B. Student Book

Worldview 4B. Student Book

Paperback (04 Apr 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

WorldView, a four-skills course for adult learners of English, builds fluency by exposing students to a wide range of appealing topics. The course's four-page units present clear and attainable goals, ensuring that students feel a sense of accomplishment and increased self-confidence.

WorldView's approach follows a simple and proven M.A.P.:
Motivate learning through stimulating content and achievable goals.
Anchor production with strong, focused language presentations.
Personalize learning through engaging and communicative speaking activities.

Book information

ISBN: 9780132390385
Publisher: Pearson Education
Imprint: Pearson Education
Pub date:
DEWEY: 428.24
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 260g
Height: 274mm
Width: 209mm
Spine width: 4mm