Woodfall's Law of Landlord and Tenant

Woodfall's Law of Landlord and Tenant - UKI Looseleaf Main Work

28th Edition

Looseleaf In Binder (16 Nov 1978)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Woodfall's Landlord and Tenant is the definitive guide to all aspects of landlord and tenant law, and is the text most often cited in courtrooms. Its encyclopedic coverage combines authority and experience with a concern for the reader's practical requirements. * Narrative sections treat each aspect of the subject in turn, incorporating recent case law into the text * Appendices include all recent statutory material * A half size binder contains tables and index - subscribers can now buy as many extra paperback copies of the index as they need * Includes a free subscription to the Landlord & Tenant Reports.

Book information

ISBN: 9780421228207
Publisher: Sweet and Maxwell
Imprint: Sweet & Maxwell
Pub date:
Edition: 28th Edition
DEWEY: 344.2064
DEWEY edition: 19
Weight: -1g
Height: 250mm
Width: 190mm