Publisher's Synopsis
Why level the playing field when you can OWN it?! You have the power to change the game. Score BIG with Women, Adjust Your Jockstrap, your game changing down-to-earth pragmatic Playbook for career advancement and a fulfilling life.
By internalizing the Playbook, you'll gain stamina, authentic power and inner self-confidence to exude executive presence. Rewire your mindset and brain from societal and cultural conditioning. Become formidable. You'll understand and learn the rules of the game to unapologetically take your place at the table. You'll live life to the fullest as a self-empowered woman - happy, comfortable and confident in any boardroom or situation. Isn't it time to thrive in the workplace not just endure it? Women do have more challenges in the workplace. Do yourself a favor, get over it. Is it fair? No! Is it changing? Much too slowly. Adjust Your Jockstrap gives you proven strategies, game changing approaches and new plays to level the playing field and multiply exponentially your likelihood for winning big in a man's world. It's time to take your rightful place as a colleague and thought partner in the workplace and in life. These insights and 225 Practices have already helped countless people worldwide own their playing field. Adjust Your Jockstrap is about taking 100% accountability for your choices and career. It's about taking your life off autopilot with self-awareness and self-understanding that sparks new choices and actions. It's about unpacking engrained societal patterns, cultural myths, outdated biases and invisible barriers, including the ones in your own mind. You'll gain the home field advantage by defeating your inner trash talk that keeps striking you out. You'll learn how to call fouls on culturally mind-made conditioning with a smile. If you struggle with self-doubt and need encouragement, this raw Uncensored Playbook provides self-confidence training while building your leadership muscle and executive presence. You will gain winning plays to approach any challenge with a smile, to turn every curve ball into a home run, to garner strength and resiliency with every tackle. You have what it takes to achieve your best, create success on your terms and live your boldest dreams. What is mind-made can be changed! Change your thoughts, change your game, change the workplace. Your life has meaning. You have the power to change the game! Be unapologetic, daring and authentic - THRIVE! "Adjust your jockstrap" to score big at work and in life! The raw insights, no nonsense Practices and wisdom come from Ellen Castro's challenging personal experiences. Ellen, an MBA Latina trailblazer, scrambled up the corporate ladder with 6 promotions in 11 years amidst the racial slurs, groping and daily harassment in the good ole' boy Exxon in the 1970-1980s. Being a punching bag left her feeling bruised and battered with no hope. In 1985, she found herself on suicide watch in a psycho ward. Instead of shattering the glass ceiling; the glass ceiling shattered Ellen. Her demoralizing defeat became her purpose and her miracle. She is determined to help others not lose hope and have faith in their potential and greatness. She has spent decades decoding the unwritten ground rules and creating game changing plays she shares with multitudes on how to be wildly successful and fulfilled in any world. "Introspection is the breakfast for champions. Go within and sit quietly. Listen. Observe and explore your beliefs, thoughts and past. A belief is only a thought you keep repeating. Don't believe everything you think." "Interview for giggles. Men, in general, when applying for positions, do not ask themselves, 'What if I don't meet all the qualifications?' They apply. Women tend to feel they need to meet all the requirements. Apply like a man."