Wolf Stalker

Wolf Stalker - Mysteries in Our National Park

Paperback (01 May 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Twelve-year-old Jack, his sister, and the family's foster child Troy go to Yellowstone National Park, where Jack's mother, a wildlife veterinarian, is investigating the report that wolves reintroduced to the park have killed a dog there.

About the Publisher

National Geographic Kids

At National Geographic, you'll discover new cultures in the pages of our atlas books, and new species in our nature books. Within these pages you'll find things beyond your imagination. You'll be amazed at how big, and diverse, the world actually is. Once you are done reading about other peoples' adventures, you can plan one of your own with our collection of travel guidebooks, road atlases and maps. So, enjoy a world without limitations, and discover what life has to offer with National Geographic.

Book information

ISBN: 9780792276524
Publisher: National Geographic
Imprint: National Geographic Kids
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 149
Weight: 204g
Height: 209mm
Width: 133mm
Spine width: 12mm