Publisher's Synopsis
"You say ruining--I say casting off chains." Winds of Freedom(The Adventures of Flint & Steel Book 1)Franchesca hasn't been satisfied with her life for a long time. She's never had many friends. Her closest friend and confidant is her bodyguard, Claude. When she was younger she thought being a member of the noble class in Forn had its perks. As she's gotten older, those perks seem more like chains. She feels more like a bargaining chip in her parents' games.On a trip into the city with her mother to pick up a dress for her coming of age party, Franchesca comes across a poor girl. In an effort to make up for her mother's cold dismissive attitude Franchesca gives the girl a few coins. Never could she believe how tied together her life and the life a poor street urchin could become. Never could she foresee the sudden twists and turns her life would take after her coming of age party, and meeting this street girl named Simone. Leave it to someone with nothing to show her just how big the world really is, and how many adventures lay within--and to give her the greatest gift of all.