Wiener Zeitschrift Fur Die Kunde Sudasiens Und Archiv Fur Indische Philosophie

Wiener Zeitschrift Fur Die Kunde Sudasiens Und Archiv Fur Indische Philosophie - Wiener Zeitschrift Fur Die Kunde Sudasiens Und Archiv Fur In

Paperback (01 Dec 1992)

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Publisher's Synopsis

HERMAN TIEKEN: The Dissemination of Asoka's Rock and Pillar Edicts; UTE HUSKEN: Zu einer vergleichenden Studie der Texte Therigatha und Theragatha; LAMBERT SCHMITHAUSEN: Ein weiteres Fragment aus dem Prakarana: SHT VII 1697; EVA WILDEN: Towards an Internal Chronology of Old Tamil Cankam Literature Or How to Trace the Laws of a Poetic Universe; GYULA WOJTILLA: Materials for a Critical Edition of the Kuttanimata; FRANZ-KARL EHRHARD: The Register of the Reliquary of Lord Ran-rig Ras-pa; Archiv fur indische Philosophie: ELI FRANCO: Towards a Reconstruction of the Spitzer Manuscript - The Dialectical Portion; TAKASHI IWATA: The Pramanaviniscaya on the Purpose of the Division of Reasons into Nine Types in the Hetucakra.

Book information

ISBN: 9783700120070
Publisher: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Imprint: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 252
Weight: 712g