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Whispers from the Darkness

Whispers from the Darkness Stories to Chill the Soul - Whispers from the Darkness

Paperback (26 Mar 2019)

  • $15.71
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Publisher's Synopsis

Whispers from the Darkness is a new collection of writings which will take you by the hand and lead you to some strange places. Writings which will leave you feeling uneasy, uncertain and uncomfortable. These stories, from previously unpublished writers, bring a fresh approach to the genre. They tilt the normal, everyday reality on its edge. Mundane situations take unexpected turns, where straightforward actions have unforeseen consequences.Reading these stories, you may just find yourself identifying with those caught up in situations which lift the veil on dark places. Places where seemingly ordinary acts and decisions set off series of extraordinary occurrences which lead to shocking outcomes.You will find yourself presented with events which cannot be easily explained. You will have to decide for yourself what is real, what is imaginary. You will be presented with the question, What if? Will you have the answers? At the end of each of these strange tales, you can expect to feel disturbed, dismayed or disoriented. If you are sure you are ready, go ahead and listen to these... Whispers from the Darkness

Book information

ISBN: 9781091674769
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 272
Weight: 435g
Height: 244mm
Width: 170mm
Spine width: 14mm