Publisher's Synopsis
Eleven short stories and novelettes, including "Weaponized Math," a 2017 Nebula Award Finalist.
This is Jonathan Brazee's first collection of short stories, ranging from a future Marine Corps sniper as she faces deadly missions to a tale of paleontological teens to a story about augmented animal soldiers.
Weaponized Math: Staff Sergeant Gracie Medicine Crow is a United Federation Marine Corps sniper who must hold off an enemy assault.
BOLO Mission: a second Gracie story, she is assigned to a SEAL Team to destroy a deadly new piece of equipment.
High Value Target: the third Gracie story, he mission is to take out an enemy commander.
Checkmate: when future wars are fought by corporations and and the battles broadcast to the masses for entertainment, and the soldiers merely pawns in a bigger game?
Semper Fidelis: animals have been augmented to assist soldiers, but are they merely pieces of equipment, no different than a rifle?
Secession: a young man must decide if his mother's political career is more important than his dreams to travel the stars.
The Bridge: a combat engineer team is sent to destroy a bridge, but when an enemy sniper has other ideas, what can they do to accomplish their mission.
The Pumpkin Ace: A Navy fighter pilot breaks regulations to attend her sister's wedding, only to arrive in the middle of an alien attack.
Venus: a teen creates a small carving 30,000 years ago, but do modern paleontologists understand what it is?
The Accidental War: before he ran the Federation, then Lance Corporal Ryck Lysander and his fellow Marines almost start a war.
Take a journey through the imagination of Jonathan Brazee with WHERE BATTLE RAGES.