Where Ashes Reign

Where Ashes Reign

Paperback (19 Dec 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

War-torn and drought-ridden, the three kingdoms of the river valley have another threat to face-dark spirits, feeding off hatred, possess men and beasts to slaughter and devour.

Emory, the only heir to her kingdom's throne, is one of the last who believes in the eternal realm, but her faith is fading until an unexpected guest arrives, claiming to be from there. Blaming the kingdoms' plight on a curse, he needs Emory to help defeat the one who cast it. Eager to escape the palace, she ventures into a rival kingdom, where her identity could mean death and one misstep could spark war. The fate of the kingdoms now depends on her, and as an unexpected love blossoms, she faces the most dangerous threat of all. Has Emory just walked into a trap that could cost her life? Can she defeat the cursecaster on her own, or will the land be ravaged by war and dark spirits forever?

Authors 4 Authors Content Rating

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults, and contains:

  • graphic violence
  • moderate language
  • moderate implied sex

For more information on our rating system, please, visit Authors4AuthorsPublishing.com/books/ratings

Book information

ISBN: 9781644771112
Publisher: Authors 4 Authors Publishing Cooper
Imprint: Authors 4 Authors Publishing Cooperative
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 338
Weight: 431g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 19mm