Publisher's Synopsis
Classics for Your Collection: --------- A young man - 30-years old - falls into a trance in Victorian England. He awakes two-hundred-three years later and discovers that he owns half the world through the miracle of compound interest on his investments. He is known as "The Sleeper," and is worshiped as a saviour by the masses. Graham, the Sleeper, meets the man who has been ruling the world in his name for many years - Ostrog. Turns out that Ostrog is just another power-hungry man fronting for the Sleeper while aggrandizing himself. We get a picture of this future and all that is wrong with it when Graham manages to get out and about. He has arrived when the people have just about had enough and rise up in revolt. Wells uses this format to preach to the reader just what his ideas of an ideal world would result in in terms of organization and justice. 22nd century London is enclosed, massive, and disorganized. We follow a bewildered protagonist through a flood of wonders and horrors, which is probably the best way for a writer to portray a fictional society. There's action, warfare, loads of colorful future stuff, betrayal, romance, and politics. The best parts of the book are those in which Wells describes human characteristics that are still relevant today, and most likely will be for a long time to come. Scroll Up and Get Your Copy! Timeless Classics for Your Bookshelf
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