Publisher's Synopsis
When Histories Collide based inpart on Dr. Rivers Dialogue Model(TM). His book is reflective of over 20 years of experience working round the world dealing with dialogue issues in, government, business, family, religious entities, media, education. He has traveled in over 60 nations gathering his experience. It is a fact that we all have a different history. Our histories are not right or wrong, just different. Because of this, every person looks a little differently on issues and their situations that we find our world today. Every person has a different opinion or grid that they look through based on their history. Because of this often we find ourselves at an impasse in solving problems. We judge everything on our experiential history. In When Histories Collide, Dr. Rivers gives tools and brings understanding that our differences don't have to stop us from good dialogue. We can bring our differences into learning to value our uniqueness's. We can work together to solve problems through our individual contributions. In his book, Dr. Rivers will examine the causes of our divide, bridging the divide, bringing honor into our listening and diplomacy into our dialogue. Showing that it is possible to unite our histories for change and make the world a better place.