When Banana Was King

When Banana Was King

Hardback (28 Sep 2007)

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Paperback (02 Nov 2006) RRP $18.03 $17.88

Publisher's Synopsis

When Banana Was King looks at a time when Jamaicans battled Americans for control of the billion-dollar banana trade. They battled in boardrooms and battled on wharves with knives and guns over the tasty, strangely shaped fruit. The most controversial of the banana men back then was Jamaican, A.C. Goffe. Love him or hate him, A.C. Goffe was, an observer noted, one of the Jamaicans who "crossed the Frontiers, put Jamaica beyond the pale of the primitive and brought the country into modern trade, commerce and business."

Book information

ISBN: 9789768202505
Publisher: LMH Publishers
Imprint: LMH Publishers
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 332
Weight: 657g
Height: 228mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 22mm