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What We Couldn't Keep

What We Couldn't Keep

Hardback (14 Dec 2024)

  • $59.42
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Paperback (14 Dec 2024) $59.42

Publisher's Synopsis

In "What We Couldn't Keep," the poet invites readers on an evocative journey through the landscapes of loss, memory, and the bittersweet nature of fleeting moments. Each poem weaves a tapestry of emotions, exploring the remnants of love and the echoes of what is left behind. Through striking imagery and poignant language, the collection delves into the fragility of human experience, capturing the things we hold dear yet cannot retain. It is a testament to the beauty found in impermanence, as well as a reflection on the heart's capacity to cherish even that which slips through our fingers. This book promises to resonate with anyone who has ever grappled with the transient nature of life, serving as a reminder that in what we cannot keep, we often find the deepest connections to ourselves and to one another.

Book information

ISBN: 9789908002781
Publisher: Creative Arts Management Ou
Imprint: Creative Arts Management Ou
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 86
Weight: -1g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 6mm