Publisher's Synopsis
Children today experience more and faster change than in any other time in history. It is imperative that they learn coping skills, how to grow their resilience, and ways in which to feel empowered.
It is important that we get helpful information in front of them as soon as possible.
Amy writes "Books for EVERYONE, disguised as children's books."
While in The Grove, the wise animals help Glori's friend, Joy, learn What She Can Do when things are overwhelming. She learns about her Alreadies, her Possibilites, how to go Yabut hunting, and about her magnetic brain. See if you can find additional hidden lessons woven into the story, and complete the exercises at the end of the book.
Amy began writing during her recovery from a ruptured brain aneurysm. She had to consciously relearn so many things. During this experience, she realized that the focused and directed learning she was engaging in would have been extremely beneficial earlier in her life. She has dedicated her future to sharing what she has learned with people of all ages, in many different formats. Look for the previous books in the From The Grove story series, or check out her website at