Publisher's Synopsis
Un cuento infantil, escrito en rima, sobre el delicioso fruto conocido en Puerto Rico como la "Quenepa", que crece en grandes árboles medicinales. Todo aquel que lo prueba lo ama y anhela disfrutar de su exquisito sabor. Conocido por una variedad de nombres inusuales, incluyendo Genip y Guenepa en Barbados y Jamaica, Kinnips en Haití, Mamón en Colombia, Venezuela y América Central, Limoncillo en la República
Dominicana, Grosella de miel o Guaya en México, y Jurgay en Guatemala, las jugosas y dulces Quenepas son populares en toda América Latina y el Caribe. Su sabor agridulce le ha valido el apodo de Lima Española en los Estados Unidos y otros países de habla inglesa. La Quenepa es un delicioso y refrescante bocadillo que ofrece un divertido alivio del calor en los últimos meses de verano. Este fruto es muy especial y apreciado en Puerto Rico, y también ha conquistado el corazón del mundo.
¡Wepa, Wepa! ¡Que viva la Quenepa! Llena de ilustraciones vibrantes y alegres, esta historia es a la vez agradable y fácil de leer. Un glosario informativo de referencias históricas y culturales enriquece este libro completo. La narrativa cautivadora y el lenguaje memorable lo convierten en una excelente adición a cualquier biblioteca, ya sea privada, pública, escolar o doméstica.
A children's story, written in rhyme, about the delicious fruit known in Puerto Rico as the "Quenepa," which grows on large medicinal trees. Everyone who tries it loves it and longs to enjoy its exquisite flavor. Known by a variety of unusual names, including Genip and Guenepa in Barbados and Jamaica, Kinnips in Haiti, Mamón in Colombia, Venezuela, and Central America, Limoncillo in the Dominican Republic, Grosella de miel or Guaya in Mexico, and Jurgay in Guatemala, the juicy and sweet Quenepas are popular throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Its sweet and sour taste has earned it the nickname Spanish Lime in the United States and other English-speaking countries. The Quenepa is a delicious and refreshing snack that offers a fun relief from the heat in the late summer months. This fruit is very special and appreciated in Puerto Rico, and it has also conquered the hearts of the world. Wepa, Wepa! Long live the Quenepa! Filled with vibrant and cheerful illustrations, this story is both enjoyable and easy to read. An informative glossary of historical and cultural references enriches this comprehensive book. The engaging narrative and memorable language make it an excellent addition to any library, whether private, public, school, or home.
BISAC Heading Suggestions:
JUV057000JUVENILE FICTION / Stories in Verse
JUV008110JUVENILE FICTION / Comics & Graphic Novels / Humorous
JUV009130JUVENILE FICTION / Concepts / Language
JUV050000JUVENILE FICTION / Cooking & Food
JUV074000JUVENILE FICTION / Diversity & Multicultural
JUV011030JUVENILE FICTION / Hispanic & Latino
JUV030040JUVENILE FICTION / Places / Caribbean & Latin America
JUV016230 JUVENILE FICTION / Historical / Caribbean & Latin America
JUV029040 JUVENILE FICTION / Science & Nature / Flowers & Plants
JUV029050JUVENILE FICTION / Science & Nature / Trees & Forests
JUV043000JUVENILE FICTION / Readers / Beginner
LC Subject Heading Suggestions:
Puerto Rico - Juvenile Fiction; Picture Books; Illustrated children's books; Spanish Children's literature; Foods - Juvenile Fiction; Communities - Juvenile Fiction; Spanish Language Materials; Stories in Rhyme; Fruit - Juvenile Fiction; Wit and Humor - Juvenile Fiction