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Wee Charles and the Strawberry Fairy King

Wee Charles and the Strawberry Fairy King - Wee Charles

Hardback (30 Nov 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Wee Charles is a boy with a giant imagination and an original, curious mind. In the first of many adventures, he sets off to solve one of great questions of life: where do Strawberries come from? And why do they taste so good..? It is a quest that leads him to the Strawberry Fairy King, the source of so many answers - and not just about the humble fruit. But the Fairy King has never met a boy like Wee Charles and so together they set off on an even greater adventure.

A magical tale of wishes, nature and humanity (and the circus!), Wee Charles and the Strawberry Fairy King manages to impart a subtle ecological message that will stick with young and old, as it sweeps the reader up and around the globe on a weird and wonderful journey!

Book information

ISBN: 9780976202004
Publisher: Trees of Shade Inc
Imprint: Trees of Shade Inc
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 44
Weight: 299g
Height: 203mm
Width: 203mm
Spine width: 6mm